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Beginning Of Menopouse In Women, Symptoms Of Menopause Is Starting

It rarely comes at once. Therefore, you need to know how menopause begins in women and its symptoms. Usually its course takes several years and goes through several stages. Premenopause.

Beginning of ovarian failure. For most women, it starts over the age of 40. During this period, menstrual dysfunction and early symptoms of the menopause appear, which usually last several years (usually 3-6. Menopause. Actually, the completion of menstrual function is the last natural bleeding (menstruation) in a woman's life.

Beginning Of Menopouse In Women, Symptoms Of Menopause Is Starting
source: /@RDNE Stock Project

How menopause begins in women, its symptoms

Postmenopause. The period from menopause to the end of life. The term "menopause" in most cases refers to the period that in medicine is referred to as perimenopause - the length of time from the onset of menstrual dysfunction and the appearance of the first symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance, until the complete end of menstruation. Menopause in women usually begins at the age of 46-54 years. However, for some women, the cessation of menstruation may occur at 40-45 years or even after 55 years.

In this case, menopause is considered, respectively, early or late. The onset of menopause in women under the age of 40 is usually associated with a serious pathology of the ovaries, for example, premature depletion of them. At what age menopause begins depends on many factors. This is, first of all, heredity and lifestyle. The presence of gynecological and somatic diseases, chronic stress, various endocrine pathologies, etc., is also important.

Sometimes menopause occurs "forced" - after gynecological operations with the removal of the uterus and ovaries, exposure to certain drugs or radiation therapy, etc. It is believed that in such cases, menopausal manifestations are more severe . And the abrupt cessation of female hormonal function in this case significantly increases the risk of complications - pathology of the cardiovascular system, osteoporosis, etc.

Symptoms of menopause in older women begin to appear a few years before the end of menstruation. This is due to the fact that the decrease in the content of sex hormones in the body occurs gradually. The main manifestation of the onset of menopause in almost all women is menstrual dysfunction. At the same time, menstruation becomes scarce, sometimes longer in time.

How menopause begins in women: the main manifestations and symptoms

This will allow you to tune in emotionally, to be ready for all the changes inherent in the state. There are several nuances associated with menopause. important for maintaining good health. Much to maintain health in menopause can give an understanding of why menopause occurs.

It is caused primarily by the peculiarities of the functioning of the ovaries. They regularly supply the body with sex hormones, but up to a certain point. Ovarian tissues are filled with follicles, the number of which is limited. It ends by the age of 45, clearly manifested by the fact that regular menstruation stops. More precisely, the beginning of menopause is marked by their rarer arrival, and the complete absence of secretions occurs later.

Since that time, the woman loses the possibility of childbearing. The changes that have taken place in the body are noticeable and affect not only the reproductive sphere. Sex hormones control the work of other body systems. Therefore, the manifestations of menopause in women are more global. An important question: when does menopause come? Many of its symptoms are similar to what is felt during pregnancy or malaise.

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